• Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Address
  • (+237) 6 77 77 77 77
  • Call For Help
WELCOME TO Highupweb Foundation

Bridging Gaps and Empowering Communities Through Digital Skills

Welcome to HighUpWeb Foundation, a beacon of hope and empowerment in Cameroon. Since our founding in 2022, we have been on a mission to bridge the digital divide and create a future where everyone, regardless of age, background, or financial status, can thrive in a technology-driven world. We are actively addressing the challenges posed by limited digital literacy in Cameroon, where over 60% of adults lack access to basic ICT skills. This digital gap is particularly pronounced among adults over 40 and underprivileged youths, many of whom are excluded from the opportunities that technology offers.

HighUpWeb Foundation is tackling this challenge by providing free ICT training programs. Over the past two years, we have been training and empowering more than 200 individuals, including displaced persons and disadvantaged youth.

Awesome Image

“Residents Showed Commitment & Courage In this Crucial Situation.”

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Help the Cause

Insure Education &
Save the Futures World

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Digital Skills Training for Adults

In Cameroon, countless underprivileged youths and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) face immense challenges. Many are forced out of their homes due to conflict or economic hardship, leaving them with limited access to education, employment, and a stable future.

Free Digital Skills Training IDP

At HighUpWeb Foundation, we recognize the untapped potential within these resilient young people. We are committed to addressing these challenges by providing a pathway to hope and opportunity through our tailored digital skills training programs.

Digital Entrepreneurship Program

In today’s technology-driven world, entrepreneurship is no longer limited by geographical boundaries or traditional resources. Yet, in Cameroon, many aspiring entrepreneurs face significant challenges, including limited access to digital tools and the knowledge required to harness the internet’s potential for business growth.

upcoming events

Being diagnosed with hyperhidrosis is not the end of the road nor is the treatment used to fight
the deadly disease, We will help to her.

Empowering Underprivileged and Internally Displaced Youths with Free Digital Skills Training

HIGHUPWEB FOUNDATION Empowering communities through free, hands-on ICT training programs in Cameroon. Learn More Donate Now to Support the Cause…

Empowering Adults 40+ with Free Digital Skills Training

HIGHUPWEB FOUNDATION Empowering communities through free, hands-on ICT training programs in Cameroon. Learn More Donate Now to Support the Cause…

Your Small Help Make World Better!

Help us support their work – make a donation Teenage Cancer

Our Volunteers

Being diagnosed with hyperhidrosis is not the end of the road nor is the treatment used to fight
the deadly disease, We will help to her.

John Smith


Kirstin Hagen


Monijy Mazo


Bertram Irvin


Our Latest News

Being diagnosed with hyperhidrosis is not the end of the road nor is the treatment used to fight
the deadly disease, We will help to her.
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